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Winston-Salem Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma is a rare yet aggressive cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos, a toxic material that was once frequently found in construction and manufacturing. Unfortunately, the dangers of asbestos were not as well-known back then as they are today. As a result, many individuals in Winston-Salem have suffered from asbestos exposure, leading to severe illnesses. If this has happened to you, a Winston-Salem mesothelioma lawyer can advocate for you.

At M. Reid Acree Jr., Attorney at Law, we understand how profound of an impact a mesothelioma diagnosis can have on you and your family. It’s why our firm remains focused on holding all negligent companies accountable for asbestos exposure. We do this by uncovering evidence that assigns fault and helping you quantify the impacts your diagnosis has had on your life. With experience on our side, our Winston-Salem cancer attorneys are here to fight for you.

How to Prove Fault in a Winston-Salem Mesothelioma Case

When compared to other personal injury cases, mesothelioma is unique. This is because the disease typically develops decades after someone has been exposed to asbestos. To successfully prove someone was at fault for causing your illness, you will need to perform a thorough investigation to link your illness to the responsible entity.

Some key elements needed to establish fault in North Carolina mesothelioma cases include:

  1. Establishing That Asbestos Exposure Occurred
    To successfully prove fault, you and your lawyer must first prove that you were exposed to asbestos in the first place. One of the first things your attorney can investigate is your work history records, especially if you are someone who worked in common industries where asbestos was frequently used in the past, such as construction sites and factories. By looking through your employment records, it can help establish when and where you might have been exposed.

    If you didn’t work in one of these industries, you may have been exposed to asbestos-containing consumer products or building materials. By analyzing your personal history, such as old homes you lived in and certain products you bought, you may be able to find the entity responsible for your illness. In rare cases, victims can also claim second-hand exposure, which can result from their loved one being exposed to asbestos for extended periods.

  2. Linking Asbestos Exposure to Mesothelioma
    Because mesothelioma can take anywhere from 20 or more years to develop, it becomes increasingly more challenging to connect your exposure to the disease you may now be suffering from. To successfully do this, it requires:

    • Medical Evidence: First, you will need to share your official mesothelioma diagnosis from an experienced oncologist. This can be supplemented with pathology reports and imaging scans as extra medical proof. Doctors may also provide their own testimony, which can be even more helpful in linking the disease to asbestos exposure, especially if they can pinpoint when the disease may have started growing.
    • Latency Period Documentation: Because mesothelioma has a long latency period, it can be helpful to show how you worked with or around asbestos during the relevant timeframe. Without this evidence, it provides a chance for the defendant to suggest your disease resulted from other causes.
  3. Identifying the Responsible Party
    After establishing that you have been impacted by asbestos exposure, you need to also hold the right entity accountable. Potential entities responsible for asbestos exposure could include:

    • Employers: If someone you worked for failed to provide protective equipment or ignored safety rules, leading to asbestos exposure, this could be enough proof to hold them responsible.
    • Manufacturers: Manufacturers: Despite knowing the risks, many companies throughout history produced and sold products that contained asbestos.
    • Property Owners and Landlords: If exposure occurred due to unsafe conditions in a rental property or a commercial building, the property owner could share some or even all of the blame.


Q: Do You Need a Lawyer to File a Mesothelioma Claim in North Carolina?

A: While you don’t legally need a lawyer to file your North Carolina mesothelioma claim, having a lawyer by your side is imperative when it comes time to negotiate for a settlement. A skilled attorney can advocate for your rights, negotiate for the maximum amount of compensation possible, and ensure that you hold all responsible parties accountable for the pain you’ve endured.

Q: Who Can File a Mesothelioma Claim in North Carolina?

A: Anyone who has been officially diagnosed with the condition has the ability to file a claim and seek compensation in North Carolina. The claims process can help recover funds for a victim’s medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. If someone in your family has passed away from the condition, you may have grounds to file a wrongful death claim. If you’re unsure whether you have grounds for a North Carolina mesothelioma claim, consult a lawyer.

Q: How Long Does a Mesothelioma Claim Take to Settle in North Carolina?

A: The exact timeline of a mesothelioma claim is difficult to anticipate, as there are many different factors that can influence the length of these cases. The most influential factors include how complicated the case is to resolve, how many defendants are involved, and how busy the court is. While sometimes the courts will try to expedite these cases due to the aggressive nature of the disease, you want to be careful not to settle too quickly and accept a lowball offer.

Q: Do You Have to Go to Court for a Mesothelioma Claim in North Carolina?

A: Many mesothelioma cases are resolved through settlements, which means that many victims and their families don’t have to go to court for this issue. However, they may have to go to court if they cannot land on a fair settlement. When this happens, an attorney can handle most of the legal proceedings to try and minimize as much stress for their client as possible. This can help make the court experience less stressful and help yield the results you’re looking for.

M. Reid Acree Jr., Attorney at Law: Your Winston-Salem Mesothelioma Lawyer

If you have recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma or are suspicious that you might be a victim due to a history of asbestos exposure, contact our law firm as soon as you can. For years, we have been helping Winston-Salem clients connect the dots between their work history and potential instances of asbestos exposure. We would be honored to extend the same legal service to you, aiming to seek justice and earn a compensation award that is proportionate to your suffering.