No Attorney Fee Unless You Win
Mesothelioma is a detrimental form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos over an extended period of time. Asbestos is an extremely hazardous material that was once widely used in construction, shipbuilding, and other manufacturing settings. Because it can take decades before someone is aware their asbestos exposure has led to this disease, hiring a Greensboro mesothelioma lawyer can fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.
At M. Reid Acree Jr., Attorney at Law, we exist to help you. We believe in a world where all mesothelioma patients are able to secure justice against the companies responsible for their asbestos exposure. Because we have spent years helping clients file successful claims, our cancer attorneys understand how to identify exposure sources and hold negligent parties accountable. We can be your legal advocate from day one, working to ensure you get the justice owed to you.
A mesothelioma diagnosis comes with significant health challenges and financial burdens. Victims and their loved ones often face an overwhelming amount of medical debt, loss of income, and emotional distress that can be directly tied to the disease. To help recoup some of these lost funds, an attorney from our firm can fight to earn you compensation in a number of categories related to mesothelioma.
Compensation may include:
A: Yes, you are still able to file your mesothelioma claim, even if it has been a significant period of time since you believe you were exposed to asbestos. The law recognizes that mesothelioma has a long latency period, which means that symptoms often do not appear until decades later. It would be unfair to suggest that someone is penalized for not seeking compensation for an illness they did not know they had. Consult a lawyer who can keep you on track with case deadlines.
A: It’s not uncommon for many mesothelioma patients to have been exposed to asbestos in more than one location. This can be from having different jobs in similar industries, being exposed during different military assignments, or even experiencing multiple instances of secondhand exposure. When this happens, your attorney can help identify all responsible sources. As long as you can link your illness to their behaviors, multiple companies or entities can be liable.
A: Some mesothelioma lawyers work on a contingency fee basis in North Carolina. This means that rather than charging upfront legal fees, they only take pay if the mesothelioma claim you file is successful. If they are unable to help you file a successful claim, they will take nothing. This is a highly attractive arrangement for those who are concerned they don’t have enough funds to afford a quality attorney.
A: Just because your mesothelioma claim is denied does not mean your chances for justice are gone. Incorrect denials can happen for a number of reasons, such as when there is a lack of evidence, missed legal deadlines, or there were disputes over who should be held liable. When this happens, an experienced attorney can review the justification for your denial and try to spot vulnerabilities to highlight during the appeals process to reverse the decision.
If you believe you are a mesothelioma victim in Greensboro, do not wait to contact us today. At M. Reid Acree Jr., Attorney at Law, our team is committed to helping mesothelioma victims secure justice, no matter how long it takes. We would be honored to serve as your legal advocate as you pursue justice.