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Category: Work Injury

Should You Stay Off Work With a Bad Back?

Sun May 5th, by Work Injury |

Workplace injuries are a common occurrence among employees. One of the most commonly reported injuries in the workplace is a back injury, which can lead to serious long-term effects if left untreated. This leads to an important question: Should you stay off work with a bad back? You may wonder […]

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What Should I Do if I Injured My Back at Work?

Sat May 4th, by Work Injury |

Many employees may be asking, “What should I do if I injured my back at work?” This is an important question, and it often requires the help of an experienced attorney to answer. No one should have to continue working through a back injury, and if your employer ignores or […]

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What Is the Most Common Back Injury at Work?

Fri May 3rd, by Work Injury |

If you are an employee in North Carolina, it may be important for you to know your rights if you injure your back while at work. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation, which is critical to your financial stability after an injury prevents you from working. As an employee, […]

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Do Employers Have a Duty to the Risk of Injury to Workers in North Carolina?

Sat Apr 6th, by Work Injury |

Do employers have a duty to the risk of injury to workers in North Carolina? There’s no simple yes or no answer, but this remains a topic of interest to workers, employers, and state officials alike. In fact, defining an employer’s duties and obligations in regard to their employees’ safety […]

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